
Spam Reporting Centres

People often ask about where to report spam, sometimes even sending it directly to CAUCE (please don't, we can't do anything with it). Here are a few places where you can send your spam. Remeber to forward the entire spam, including the full headers. Directly to your...

Dutch Anti-spam Legal Action

OPTA, the anti-spam Regulator today announced a fine of 100,000 euroes was levied against Companeo SA for sending 15,000,000 spam messages in 2009 Here's a translation of the news release, from the original Dutch: The OPTA, the Independent Post and...

Emeritus Board Members

The following people have served on the CAUCE board over the years: J.D. Falk (1974-2011) CAUCE founding member J.D. Falk worked on anti-spam systems and policies for suchinfluential companies as the original Mail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS), Microsoft, andYahoo!,...

CASL Slides into 2013

We have all been patiently waiting for new regulations on CASL, they were expected before the governments summer vacation session, but sadly we will continue to wait. Several industry organizations have been telling members that the CASL Regs V2 will slide into the...

CRTC responds to stakeholder concerns with final regulations under CASL

The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) has finalised its regulations under Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL), resulting in a set of rules that are more balanced, reasonable, and in line with the objectives of the legislation. CASL creates rules for sending commercial electronic messages (CEMs) and installing computer programs. It also establishes a general prohibition against the alteration of transmission data and is expected to come into force later in 2012. Industry Canada is also responsible for developing regulations, and should be posting another version of its regulations within the next month or so.

Supporting Members

CAUCE Supporting Members CAUCE thanks its supporting members, whose financial support makes our outreach and education activities possible. Individual Members All CAUCE Board Members are also full individual members of CAUCE Corporate Members