Who Are Domain Names For?
If domain names are for end users — if, indeed, the internet is for end users — then why do we need more top-level domain names?
Facebook Spammer Ordered to pay $1 Billion Judgement
Earlier this week a Quebec Judge decided to rule in favour of upholding the record setting judgement of $873 Million USD Montreal resident Adam Guerbuez. The original case of Facebook v. Atlantis Blue Capital, alleged millions of messges flooded Facebook's...
Mysteries of sort of opt-in mail
This week I got an email newsletter from a patent law firm near Washington DC. Since I didn't recognize the name of the firm, and the pharmaceutical patent law they do isn't related to anything I do so I was pretty sure I wouldn't have signed up and...
International Zeus bot money mule operation arrests at least 56
Press reports say that authorities in several countires made coordinated arrests of money mules this week. The FBI reported 37 arrests in the US, and UK authorities arrested 19. The US credits police in the Netherlands, the Ukraine, and other countries with...
October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month
For more information, see staysafeonline.org.
The Canadian Fighting Internet and Wireless Spam Act, Bill C-28 – What took so long?
The Hansard transcripts of yesterday's second reading of FISA, the Fighting Internet and Wireless Spam Act, bill C-28, are up.The bill is seemingly garnering support from all quarters, and hope springs eternal that the next steps will be treated with appropriate...
The Canadian Fighting Internet and Wireless Spam Act, Bill C-28 to get 2nd Reading
C-28, the Canadian Anti-spam bill suspended for the summer, has been reintroduced to the order paper for parliamentary discussion for today, September 27, 2010.Listen in to the debate here: http://parlvu.parl.gc.ca/ParlVu/UpcomingEvents.aspx?lang=en
The Canadian Fighting Internet and Wireless Spam Act, Bill C-28 to get 2nd Reading
C-28, the Canadian Anti-spam bill suspended for the summer, has been reintroduced to the order paper for parliamentary discussion for today, September 27, 2010.Listen in to the debate here: http://parlvu.parl.gc.ca/ParlVu/UpcomingEvents.aspx?lang=en
Omnibus Cybersecurity Bill May Not Go Where Original Authors Intended
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has asked that the cybersecurity bills currently in front of various committees be combined into one single, omnibus bill, which would presumably then be attached to the defense authorizations bill. Here’s where we start to get worried.
Each of the bills we’ve seen (and we surely haven’t seen them all yet) have some good points, and some…let’s just call them unintended consequences. In every case it’s obvious that the authors’ intentions were good, but they needed some expert advice from people who actually understand the technical and legal realities of the internet today.
One such expert shares his review of one of those bills: S. 3742, the “Data Security and Breach Notification Act of 2010.”
Top 10 Best Firefox Security Add-ons
By Jay Garmon via www.notebookreview.com For Internet users who want to surf safely, CAUCE suggests you consider using Firefox (getfirefox.com) and installing some or all of these plugins. Web of Trust (WOT) AdBlock Plus BetterPrivacy NoScript BugMeNot SpamAvert Beef...
Ari Schwartz to Join NIST
Long-time CAUCE colleague and supporter Ari Schwartz of the Centre for Democracy & technology (CDT) has joined the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology as a senior Internet policy advisor. CAUCE offers our congratulations and support to Ari in his new role.
more: http://gcn.com/articles/2010/08/10/ari-schwartz-to-take-policy-role-at-nist.aspx
How Your Privacy Is Exploited Online and How To Protect Yourself
I spotted a disturbing headline which reminded me to repost a recent series about online privacy in the Wall Street Journal. Suit alleges Disney, other top sites spied on users - CNET NewsA lawsuit filed in federal court last week alleges that a group of well-known...