Author: Coalition Against Unsolicited Email

A Dangerous Buzz, and Opt-In Isn’t Just for Email

Facebook already tells the world who you’re friends with, and Twitter updates are public by default. But with both of those, you choose to sign up and you know what you’re getting (until it changes.) Buzz is different: you signed up for GMail, and suddenly this other thing happened too. Suddenly, things you thought were private are public.

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Keeping Kids Safe on Facebook

Image by hoyasmeg via Flickr Though some of the technologies and techniques differ, there's a lot of overlap between email safety and social network safety.  Laura Deisley, who speaks about technology with parent...

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moving the web site

If you can see this on, then we've successfully moved the CAUCE North America web site to the Typepad blog hosting service.Unfortunately, Typepad doesn't support the URL scheme we were using before, which...

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